Friday, October 15, 2010

Seasons in Passing: Unfading Hope

I am thoroughly excited for my favorite season's hastening. Thank the Lord for fall. It's the foliage, the change in the weather, and the spiritual symbolism of this time that I appreciate. There is a change from flourishing newness to shedding the past. And though believers in Christ are always in process of this change, seeing it happen before my eyes in such a tangible way makes me think of its implications.

This season, I am in school. The next season, I won't be. This season, I am financially dependent. Next season, I will be financially independent. This season, I am learning God's character. Next season, most likely will be clinging to Him. Process. Change. Excitement. Nervous. Ready. Yearning.

"Holy design--this place in time. That I might seek and find my God, my God. Lord, I want to yearn for You. I want to burn with passion over You, only You." --Shane and Shane

I am graduating, and I am really happy! But, there is a lot ahead of me, and there are still many unknowns in the midst of a general outline.

General outline: Called to Campus Crusade for Christ staff.

Where I will be? Don't know.

Will I be accepted? Lord willing, yes. Or, Lord willing, no.

The most important thing about this process, this change, this passing is this: that I may die to gain Life. Die everyday to myself, to my will, to my fears, to my demands in order to "gain Christ and be found in Him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but a righteousness that comes from faith in Jesus Christ" (Phil. 3). One thing thing to say it, another to live it. It's one thing to pray it, and then another to submit to Him.

Praise God that I am submitting to the Holy One, the good Father, the Author and Perfector of my faith.

It's a season.

Where are you? What's your season? What has God called you to? What are you learning? What needs to die? May you know that no matter what circumstances God has called into your life and has ordained for you now, your soul is secure. Your hope is unfailing and unfading because He is living in you.