Saturday, May 29, 2010

Psalm 1 (ESV)

1Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers. 4The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.

5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

Psalm 1
Composed by: Mary Beth Hough

Verse 1:
How blessed is the man who knows You (who knows You)
How blessed is the man who knows You as LORD (who knows You as LORD)

He will not stand in the counsel of the wicked (in the counsel of the wicked)
He will not go in the way of sinners (in the way of sinners)

You are the Keeper
You are the Keeper,

You are the Keeper
You are the Keeper
Of my way

Verse 2:
His delight is in You (is in You)
On Your law he meditates day and night (day and night)

He is like a tree, whose leaves never wither (never wither)
His color remains a lively green (lively green)


The LORD regards the way of the righteous
The LORD esteems the way of the righteous


That's the song! I wish that I had the ability right now to post it in video form so that you could actually hear what it sounds like. But, Lord willing, that will come later.

1 Psalm down. 149 more to go. But, I will enjoy this process.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blog Project.

Look at this broken piano. The ivory keys are broken. There are some that are still worth saving, but others that look like they've seen their last days.

Some of the keys are so beaten down, but others stand upright. If one were to play the keys of this piano, it is likely that the tune would match its appearence.

I think that this picture is a mirror image of me in some respects. I, too, have been played. Some of my keys have been so beaten; others stand upright. The voice that I sing with, though I believe would be in better tune than this piano, comes from a broken instrument. But, it is true that most instruments with age and wear are those very ones that produce the best sound...they've been around and they've seen and they've played. They've sang, they've cried, and they've been loved.

Look again at this picture. The lighting of it is beautiful. Because of the light, the piano, though broken, is attractive, intriguing, and distinguished. There is something in me that says, Oh, but this piano will play again!

My project: To be like this piano...broken but touched by the Light...and make music.

As I have been spending more time in the Songs of God's Word, I really want to know what it means to worship the Lord...moment to moment, day in and day out, and with each breath that I take.

So, in order to accomplish this project, I am creating for myself the task of writing songs from the Psalms. I have begun with a song based on Psalm 1. There are 150 psalms. My deadline: December 31st, 2010.

I want to write a song for each Psalm. Now, pslams do not need to be reinterpreted: I am well aware. That is not my aim in the least. But, what I do hope to do is to compose music to the words that Israel sang in worship at feasts, in their homes most likely, and in their hearts to God. My hope is to bless others by merely singing God's word.

So, I am going to post the lyrics of the music, along with the Psalm...and I hope that at some point, that I can make videos and post them here.

Wherever this blog meets you in your journey, I would appreciate your feedback!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today is a day to remember...a day to remember the Lord. His goodness, His promise, and His Life. I love that the Lord lives and reigns on High.

I have been studying the book of Hosea. Period.

In chapter four of the Text, and God's disdain and His broken heart for Israel is clear. At different times in the chapter, God speaks that Israel had "departed from the Lord," "forsaken the Lord," and "forgot the Law of God." And, what a question to ask myself throughout my day: Am I remembering the Lord? Am I remembering His law of liberty and His freeing commands? Is the Lord the first love of my heart?

Not in a way where I will constantly feel condemned under the weight of those questions, but so that I may depend more freely upon the Lord to draw me to Himself--let that be my prayer.

I am looking forward to this summer: Many things on the horizon! Exciting, too. In no particular order, I will be studying at school, working (Lord willing), recording a CD (Lord willing), spending time with a new guy in my life, and ministering to friends and family.

In everything, I call to remembrance God's Sovereignty, His unfailing and fathomless love, and how faithful and truthful He has been. I love You, Lord, with all of my heart and soul, and I want to love You more.

Dear friends, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is Garden Fellowship?

Everything exposed.
Known by the Creator.
That's it. And, there's nothing wrong with it.
The fellowship was breached by disobedience and fear.

There's so much to hide, right?
There's so much that's so wrong; it's easier.
It's easier to hide from Holiness.
Easier to run from True Love.

Garden fellowship was perfect.
And, Garden fellowship is perfect.
The road to return is treacherous...
But, fellowship without the Garden context is none at all.
If there's no Garden-like dwelling (the nakedness, the beauty, the vulnerability), then what is life?

It's simple!
It's glorious!
It's so crazy!
It's the heart of the Creator that is simple, glorious, and crazy.

Everything exposed.
Known by the Creator.
That's it. And, there's nothing wrong with it.

Do you want it?
I know that I do.
So, I am willing to return.
That's why I write on Garden Fellowship.
There's no more shame anymore. The breach has been filled!

By God, Himself...He became my disobedience. He became my fear.

That I might live in His glorious garden, and hear Him say...

"O you who sit in the gardens, My companions are listening for your voice--

LET ME HEAR IT!" (from the Song, that is Solomon's).

--Mary Beth Hough, May 5, 2010