Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blog Project.

Look at this broken piano. The ivory keys are broken. There are some that are still worth saving, but others that look like they've seen their last days.

Some of the keys are so beaten down, but others stand upright. If one were to play the keys of this piano, it is likely that the tune would match its appearence.

I think that this picture is a mirror image of me in some respects. I, too, have been played. Some of my keys have been so beaten; others stand upright. The voice that I sing with, though I believe would be in better tune than this piano, comes from a broken instrument. But, it is true that most instruments with age and wear are those very ones that produce the best sound...they've been around and they've seen and they've played. They've sang, they've cried, and they've been loved.

Look again at this picture. The lighting of it is beautiful. Because of the light, the piano, though broken, is attractive, intriguing, and distinguished. There is something in me that says, Oh, but this piano will play again!

My project: To be like this piano...broken but touched by the Light...and make music.

As I have been spending more time in the Songs of God's Word, I really want to know what it means to worship the Lord...moment to moment, day in and day out, and with each breath that I take.

So, in order to accomplish this project, I am creating for myself the task of writing songs from the Psalms. I have begun with a song based on Psalm 1. There are 150 psalms. My deadline: December 31st, 2010.

I want to write a song for each Psalm. Now, pslams do not need to be reinterpreted: I am well aware. That is not my aim in the least. But, what I do hope to do is to compose music to the words that Israel sang in worship at feasts, in their homes most likely, and in their hearts to God. My hope is to bless others by merely singing God's word.

So, I am going to post the lyrics of the music, along with the Psalm...and I hope that at some point, that I can make videos and post them here.

Wherever this blog meets you in your journey, I would appreciate your feedback!


  1. Look fwd to these Psalm songs MB! Really loved the first one. Thanks for encouraging us through your blog, music, and life.


  2. Thanks so much, Ross! I look foward to what the Lord will do in this, with this, and with me through it.
