Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is Garden Fellowship?

Everything exposed.
Known by the Creator.
That's it. And, there's nothing wrong with it.
The fellowship was breached by disobedience and fear.

There's so much to hide, right?
There's so much that's so wrong; it's easier.
It's easier to hide from Holiness.
Easier to run from True Love.

Garden fellowship was perfect.
And, Garden fellowship is perfect.
The road to return is treacherous...
But, fellowship without the Garden context is none at all.
If there's no Garden-like dwelling (the nakedness, the beauty, the vulnerability), then what is life?

It's simple!
It's glorious!
It's so crazy!
It's the heart of the Creator that is simple, glorious, and crazy.

Everything exposed.
Known by the Creator.
That's it. And, there's nothing wrong with it.

Do you want it?
I know that I do.
So, I am willing to return.
That's why I write on Garden Fellowship.
There's no more shame anymore. The breach has been filled!

By God, Himself...He became my disobedience. He became my fear.

That I might live in His glorious garden, and hear Him say...

"O you who sit in the gardens, My companions are listening for your voice--

LET ME HEAR IT!" (from the Song, that is Solomon's).

--Mary Beth Hough, May 5, 2010

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