Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today is a day to remember...a day to remember the Lord. His goodness, His promise, and His Life. I love that the Lord lives and reigns on High.

I have been studying the book of Hosea. Period.

In chapter four of the Text, and God's disdain and His broken heart for Israel is clear. At different times in the chapter, God speaks that Israel had "departed from the Lord," "forsaken the Lord," and "forgot the Law of God." And, what a question to ask myself throughout my day: Am I remembering the Lord? Am I remembering His law of liberty and His freeing commands? Is the Lord the first love of my heart?

Not in a way where I will constantly feel condemned under the weight of those questions, but so that I may depend more freely upon the Lord to draw me to Himself--let that be my prayer.

I am looking forward to this summer: Many things on the horizon! Exciting, too. In no particular order, I will be studying at school, working (Lord willing), recording a CD (Lord willing), spending time with a new guy in my life, and ministering to friends and family.

In everything, I call to remembrance God's Sovereignty, His unfailing and fathomless love, and how faithful and truthful He has been. I love You, Lord, with all of my heart and soul, and I want to love You more.

Dear friends, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!

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